The medical community has been warning for years about the misuse that society makes of thermometers.
This incorrect use is mostly reflected in parents with babies and young children. This incorrect use begins with the absence of tools for parents in the temperature log.
The first error is to take specific temperature measurements. The precision in the recording of the onset of a fever lies in taking constant measurements that allow us to know how the temperature is evolving. This is the first advantage that Liip provides because, in a comfortable way for parents and the baby itself, it allows you to measure the temperature for hours. The next advantage is that Liip allows you to follow up in case of fever because the data is stored in graphs so you can show them to the child’s doctor.
Finally, it has shown a reduction in unnecessary emergency visits by parents due to erroneous fever records.
The temperature data measured at the same time in the mouth, forehead, ear, armpit, anus or ankle is completely different, and are determined by the three types of temperature that exist in the body.
It is very important to know that the temperature recorded by the Liip Wearable Baby Monitor bracelet is the distal peripheral temperature.The distal peripheral temperature is slightly lower than the one normally measured with a thermometer. This is absolutely normal.It should be taken into account that there are two measurements of temperature normally recorded by parents”
• Proximal peripheral temperature: the one measured in the armpit or in the mouth. It is the one they record with conventional thermometers.
• Distal peripheral temperature: it is that of the external members, and it is the one that detects Liip. Under normal conditions it's always lower than temperature taken in the armpit, ear or mouth. Over time, you will get used to recognising the lower range.
When the onset of fever or occurs, the organism reacts by equalizing the distal and proximal peripheral temperatures. So, if the baby's temperature rises, Liip will notify you in a precise and detailed manner.Why does this happen?
Because the temperature has its origin in the metabolism, and depending on the area in which the temperature is measured is different. Therefore the temperature difference between different places of the body is completely normal.
What happens when a fever appears?
That the heat/temperature of the organism is increased, and the body wants to eliminate this excess heat. And the heat is eliminated through the outer limbs. That is why the distal peripheral temperature, which Liip detects, is so reliable in this register, in addition to always being the first temperature that changes.When fever arises, the body will eliminate heat. When the body fails to eliminate heat, problems begin to arise. It is in this case when the fever is maintained when it is a problem and can have a negative impact on the organism. When this happens, the distal peripheral temperature, which Liip detects, rises above 37.5 ° C.
That is if the baby has a fever or his thermal comfort is not adequate and manages to eliminate excess heat, the temperature recorded by Liip will fall before that recorded in the armpit, which is a symptom that the baby is feeling better and his metabolism is working properly.
It is only in cases where the baby has problems eliminating the excess heat that is generated by a fever or when fever temperature detected by Liip will rise above 37.5 ° C and will alert, reducing false alarms between parents and alerting only when it is really necessary. In addition, the data will be stored so that a professional can study them at any time and have easy access to the beginning of the data on the onset of fever.
That is why Liip is a highly recommended device for situations of fever, thermal discomfort (and febrile seizures, all of the events that are related to temperature, pulse, and Oxygen.
Liip help you to control that your baby is feeling better and his metabolism is working properly.
Only in cases where the baby has difficulty eliminating the excess heat generated by fever or when the temperature detected by Liip is higher than 37.5 ° C.
In this case Liip will trigger an alert, reducing the number of false alarms for the parents and emitting alarm only when it is necessary and real. In addition, the data will be stored so that a professional can study them at any time.